Me with the happy graduate. 

Next was another friends wedding. She is now Mrs. Jennifer Smith, so exciting. Watching her wedding brought back so many great memories of mine and Jesse's wedding.
I did not get my picture with the bride, but I did get a picture with one of my best friends, Chelsea, who I had not seen in months. 

The same day as my friends wedding was my nephews 2nd birthday. Jesse and I got
him a tractor or a "choo choo" as my nephew calls it. He calls many things "choo choo's." To celebrate his birthday we went to downtown Guthrie where everything had been decorated for Christmas and people were dressed up like people back from the Victorian age. It was fun. The girls decided to go on a carriage ride.
him a tractor or a "choo choo" as my nephew calls it. He calls many things "choo choo's." To celebrate his birthday we went to downtown Guthrie where everything had been decorated for Christmas and people were dressed up like people back from the Victorian age. It was fun. The girls decided to go on a carriage ride.
Mom and Lillian on the carriage ride.

My sister, Amy, and I on the carriage ride. The boys did not want to go on the ride.
Finally Christmas! Jesse and I spent Christmas day with my family this year. We even had a white Christmas, which we have not had in a long time. The snow was beautiful and we all had so much fun playing in it. My mom, brother and even niece had their 4 wheelers with them so we drove them around, we sled and of course through a few snow balls at each other. What a fun holiday.

Finally Christmas! Jesse and I spent Christmas day with my family this year. We even had a white Christmas, which we have not had in a long time. The snow was beautiful and we all had so much fun playing in it. My mom, brother and even niece had their 4 wheelers with them so we drove them around, we sled and of course through a few snow balls at each other. What a fun holiday.
Dressed in our Christmas best. 

Mom and I playing an intense game on the wii.
Even Nathan wanted to play the wii. He had watched us adults play it all day, so he knew exactly what to do.

Starting to snow.

The giant hill that Jesse made me sled down...very scary, but fun. The hill is bigger then it seems in the photo, just ask anyone who was standing at the top looking down.

Next stop, Knoxville Tennessee. Jesse and I will leave Tuesday so pray for a safe journey. We can't wait to spend more time with family.