I spent my first Thanksgiving away from my family this year and spent it with my new family in Tennessee. Jesse and I started the trip out with a bang. We set out on a Tuesday night hoping to drive all through the night to arrive bright and early at Jesse's grandparents house, however the Jeep broke down so we ended up staying the night in Conway Arkansas and spent four hours at a Jeep dealership service center...not fun. Finally we arrived in Nashville and the fun began.
We spent Thanksgiving day at one of Jesse's relatives homes. The house was an A frame house backed into the hills and it was beautiful. There was also a pretty bridge that you had to cross to drive up to the house. Fifty seven is the number of people counted at Thanksgiving. Wow, I have never been to a Thanksgiving that big so of course it was madness, but it was a lot of fun. There is nothing better then being surrounded by family and for me I had a lot of new people to meet.
R to L: Jonathan (Jesse's BIL, Molly's husband), Molly (Jesse's sister), Evan (Jesse's brother), and Luke (Jesse's cousin).

R to L: Chandler (Jesse's cousins son), Cade (Jesse's cousin), Carla Lee (Cade's wife), Me and Kim (Jesse's mom) made the background of the pic.

The bridge you crossed that leads up to the A frame house. It was all lit up at night.

The next day a few of us went caving. Jesse's relatives own a piece of land with a cave on it. I get claustrophobic so I was nervous about going, I had never been in a cave before, but it did not sound like I would enjoy it too much, luckily Kim, Molly, and Jesse's aunt, Missy, felt the same way so we took a separate car and just went a little way into the cave. It was very cool inside, but I am glad I just went a little way in to it.
Jesse and I before we started our caving journey.
I loved this mini water fall I saw as we hiked up to the cave. If you look closer you can see the water falling down the rock.
Jesse entering the cave. The entrance was A LOT smaller than I thought.
Molly going into the cave. Again, wow that cave is small...but once I got over the fear of entering the cave, it was a little bigger inside and you could stand up in it. 
I forget what the are called, but these were hanging down in the cave and it was really cool to look at.

The holiday week also involved a lot of eating, playing games, watching football and talking, all the things that make a holiday great :)