Well, I do have two very special big boys who deserve a little milestone recap.
In January, this sweet boy turned three! Looking back at photos from even just this past summer makes me realize how much he has transitioned out of that baby/toddler look and into a little boy.
For one, his HAIR! Anyone who knows Henry knows he has an awesome set of thick curls on his head, but really, these just developed since this past summer. Before that his hair was thin and wispy. Always had the baby curl at the bottom, but nothing like what it has become today. His last hair cut was August 2017...I'll just leave that information out there.
Look at how much this baby has grown. And again, that hair!
School wise, he's learned lots in the past year, but definitely beats to his own drum in this department. Things just click for him a little differently, and that's OK. Oddly enough, he's really smart with Bible lesson memory, not so much his ABCs though, lol. And he learns the best through song.
Having birthday muffins with his friends at school

Speaking of songs, he does LOVE to sing! I think he has the sweetest little voice, of course. He also remains our little stunt devil, not really afraid to try much of anything. He likes to play with his brother and has a wild imagination when he plays solo. He's fast to make a friend and has a kind, sweet soul. He's also our funny boy. Always acting silly to get you to laugh.

My eldest is one whole hand years old and that I just can't wrap my mind around.
His independence shot through the roof this past year. He developed a love for school and anything related to math or science...so now I'm questioning if he's even my son, ha.
PAC Man themed birthday party at a trampoline park. He was super excited, if you couldn't tell.
He loves musical instruments. I'm learning it's not so much the sound or end product of the instrument, it's more of a fascination of just how the thing works. And when he sets his mind to something, oh boy, watch out world! He recently told (demanded) that he learn to ride his bike without training wheels. We stalled for a bit, but he was persistent and he did it! Even when we're not with him, he's outside practicing by himself.
He can become super shy, especially when people are proud of him or when he does something awesome in front of people. He got to play basketball this past winter and did so well. When he made his first basket, he tried to act all tough and hide his smile. Meanwhile his daddy and I were on the sidelines making way to big of a scene of excitement.
I could honestly go on and on about these boys and all the awesome things they are doing, but this is a good summary for now.
Some very big moments these boys have been through in the past year (ex: moving, hurricane, new brother). Through it all, they had each other and a very special bond. I know Blake is too little to ride bikes, jump on trampolines and run around, but I can't wait to see how these three boys rule the world with each other by their sides.
Happy growing, my big boys!