"Say what? I'm FIVE months old?"
Five months in and I'm becoming worse and worse about writing down the things Blake does each month. Hopefully I can recap the highlights from the memory of my mushy mom brain. Maybe.
Let's see...
Drool. There has been lots of drool. The teething process is in full force, but no teeth yet. For the next several years I now get to blame all crankiness on teething. Yay for excuses.
Talking more and more, and making new sounds.
Controls hands better. Intentionally grabs things...and puts straight into his mouth.
Wants to hang upside down like a monkey. Thinks it's funny to throw himself backwards and give anyone holding him a heart attack. Thankfully, I know this is just a phase as he learns how to move about.
Sleeping. Naps have become more hit or miss on the ease of them. I think his wake times are shifting and they have not adjusted well with our day-to-day schedule. Normally he wakes around 8 a.m., takes first nap around 9:30, and from then on who knows. He typically takes two-tree naps a day.
Hands of hips
We've had a busy month of family visitors. Aunt Amy, Uncle Brent, Lillian and Lucas came to visit us. This of course meant a trip to the beach and lots of extra hands to hold Blake. He also took his first trip to Tennessee where he celebrated his first Easter.
Easter attire
That makes five months a wrap, folks!
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