Saturday, December 21, 2013

Eight Months Old: "Mamadadababa"

Oh my, Emerson has changed so much in this one month.

We now have our first strand of consonant sounds "mamadadababa." He was saying "mama," but then he learned "dada" and forgot all about me : ( I guess "dada" is just more fun to say. He will also sometimes say "baba." Of course he has no idea what these words are associated to.

Emerson is also crawling! Well, he does an army crawl and on occasion he will get up on all fours and rock back and forth. Jesse claims he has crawled on all fours, but I didn't see it, so it doesn't count.

Due to his new found mobility, we have had to introduce the word "no" more often. He loves to tug on the curtains and chew on shoes (yuck) so those are the two things that get told "no" the most often to. He now will look at me before he goes to touch the curtain, as if he is just waiting to hear me say it.

Also big this month was Emerson got his first tooth! One on the bottom came in and the one next to it is not far behind.

See what I mean by a busy month!?!

Here is a breakdown of this months activities:

Sleeping: We are back to only waking up once in the middle of the night for a snack and then he goes right back to sleep. One time this month he slept ALL NIGHT! Oh how I needed that and I pray I can have more of those soon. His naps are finally starting to regulate more. He usually naps at 9 a.m., 12 p.m. and 3 p.m., give or take 30 minutes. Lately each have been a good 1-1.5 hours long. Because his naps have lengthened a bit, we have officially dropped the fourth nap.

Eating: We can add new things to the "Emerson does not like" list, green beans and peas. I hope its not all green veggies. I think it is a texture thing. He loved apples, and most all fruits for that matter. He also tried his first table foods: a pickle and lime (not at the same time). He loved them!

Activity: He can move pretty fast with his army crawl and he definitely knows how to get to something he wants even if it is across the room. He is also sitting up all by himself really well without any support. Even when he does tip over, he can catch himself.

Love those cheesy smiles because that's when you see his cute dimples : )

Doctor visit stats:
  • Weight: ?
  • Height: ?
  • Other: Obviously we didn't go to any doctor this month, which between the pediatrician and surgeons office I think this will be the first time we haven't seen a doctor within a month. Not complaining one bit!
Caught him mid laugh.

Likes, dislikes and other milestones:

  • Favorite toys (right now): Still has some of his favorite toys. I know he is getting a few new ones at Christmas, so curious to see how he takes to those.
  • Loves to play with hangers and plastic cups.
  • Now that he is mobile, he is starting to get bored with his Jumparoo.
  • We discovered a new book that Emerson loves, a Pat-A-Cake book with a Curious George puppet attached. He thinks the puppet is so funny.
  • Likes to spit. I am not a fan of this trick.
  • Has learned how to fake a cough.
  • Loves to touch/scratch different textures, he especially loves to touch pillows.
  • Sits upright in the bath tub now and loves to splash.
  • Loves to sleep on his belly, bottom in the air.
  • Does not like getting dressed or having to use the nasal suction bulb on his nose. He used to not mind either of those.

Things to look forward to:
  • First Christmas and New Year!
  • Visiting lots of family.
Ending this post with his classic confused look.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

I have very exciting news to share! But I am not going to tell you until the end of this post, so keep reading. (Or if you are lazy, then just skip to the end, but you will miss out on some good stuff : )


Emerson got to spend his first Thanksgiving in Tennessee. There were clear skies, cold temperatures, lots of family and of course great food! Emerson couldn't really take part in the food, but oh well, something for him to look forward to next year.

We drove, yes DROVE 13 hours to Nashville to visit Jesse's family to spend Thanksgiving week with them. The drive up was not too bad. It seemed to take forever, but all-in-all I think Emerson did great. Anytime I caught myself complaining, I just remembered how much money we were saving by not flying : )

Get ready for family picture overload!

Emerson and Pops.


Emerson does not like what this fox has to say. Don't worry, it's a fake one.
Turkey bottoms are too cute.

Family photo!


Turkey bib that Aunt Molly gave Emerson. Is it weird that I think Emerson and the face of the turkey on the bib look alike?

On our walk to the old red barn. It was a beautiful day.

Emerson could barely move his little arms in his puffy coat.

 Opryland Hotel Christmas lights.

OK, ready for my news? Emerson is going to get a new cousin! Two actually (not twins). My SIL, Molly announced over Thanksgiving that they are pregnant (due in July) and my brother and his wife are expecting another sweet boy in March. Two separate sides of the family are adding to their numbers and I am so excited for my SILs and for Emerson to gain cousins that are going to be close in age. The holidays will be even more fun next year! Congratulations to Molly and Jonathan Martin and Trace and Sarah Kirkpatrick!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Now I guess I better get crackin' on that Christmas shopping...

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

O Christmas Tree, 2013

I so desperately wanted to go to a real Christmas tree farm in order to get Emerson's first Christmas tree, however time did not allow, so off to Lowes we went!
Picking out our tree!

Traditional shot of Jesse bringing it into our home.

Even Emerson helped.

Putting up his own ornament. Some assistance required.

Happy decorating!

Thankful for Family

I have some catching up to do on my blogging! So here I go...

I just love this time of year because you get so many opportunities to spend time with family. This year we had the added bonus of celebrating my granddad Connie's 80th birthday.

You would never know he has turned 80 as he is healthy and young looking : ) I am very proud to call him my granddad and look up to the person that he is. Emerson is blessed to know him as well.

All the great grand kids with Granddad Connie

Emerson at our family's Red Rock for the first time. He can't engrave his name until he is old enough to do it himself.
Ooooklahoma, where the wind comes sweeping down the plains...

Driving in the pasture with Uncle Brent, first time to "drive."
 We also spent some time at my parents house.

Emerson thought the horse was very funny.

Feeding the cows with Granddad.

Time to eat! Emerson got to sit with all his cousins while he enjoyed his meal.

Quality time with cousin Lucas.
Separate from this trip, my brother, SIL and nephew came to Houston to visit us. We were all curious to see how the cousins acted towards each other.

 They didn't seem to mind each other : )

Love those blue eyes!

Cousin Jack wanted to join Emerson for his bath.

Ha, just love the faces on these two. Bath time must be serious business.

Jack and Emerson are only about 9.5 months apart, which at this age is quite an age gap, but I have a feeling they will be best buds when they get a little older : )

Ah, love all these family photos. Now that my pre-Thanksgiving family time is on the blog, I will soon post all the fun we had at Thanksgiving!
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