Thursday, October 21, 2010

Have you heard about this....

As I was listening to my daily radio station the other morning on my way to work, the radio hosts were discussing this new(er) line of all natural make-up called Earth Angel Minerals.

This make-up was created by a lady named Christine Keeter in Claremore, OK and it is an organic make-up. According to the radio station it "feels like silk". Apparently her make-up was worn by a few celebrity's during the 2009 Emmy Awards. When I heard that, I thought "expensive!" but no, it's sold on etsy for no more than $10 (depending on what you get). I wear Bare Mineral make-up and love it, but I think I will be trying out this healthier, cheaper make-up soon. I'll let you know how it goes.

You can check her out on her blog, facebook or etsy. And although I wish I were being paid for this little advertisement, I am not. I just wanted to share my new found knowledge for all of you mineral make-up people.



  1. Let me know what you think...I still love and use bareMineals, but if this is less expensive (and more locally made!)then I would love to try it!

  2. Is that angle like in geometry or angel like in heaven? I have a friend with sensitive skin who might be interested. I'll just stick with my basic nothing.

  3. Haha, Kim you are right it is Angel not Angle. This is where spell check fails. I will make the correction.


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